Tiny Rituals…(that is how to begin)

Oh where do I start this one…I read something this week that we do not sabotage ourselves, when we think we are doing that it is actually our body protecting us. We aren’t sabotaging anything. Except I feel like have been sabotaging myself for a little bit. I am making poor choices with food and I know it. Then I feel good then I feel bad. It’s truly annoying. I dislike how my body has become jelly like again. I don’t like how I feel. I also cannot wrap my head around doing the way of eating I did before with protein and salads and exercise and intermittent fasting. What is wrong that I cannot? Maybe my brain is broken. Today in a book I read tiny rituals. That resonated with me. The physical therapist suggested I schedule daily time to do my tinnitus exercises. I decided in my head I needed to do it when I sit down at my desk at work first thing in the morning. Write a sticky note about other times I am going to do it and actually do it. This will become a tiny ritual. Next week a tiny ritual regarding eating will begin. Very small breakfast, veggie lunch, protein dinners. Some fasting in there but not everyday to begin with. I need to get back to myself. It’s been hard as of late because I am finishing up school, in one of my last three classes now. I should be done at the end of August. I will be doubling up over May-June so that should make things interesting. I need to be true to myself and keep the rituals. I need to fit some form of exercise in here somewhere. I need to be true to myself and I am writing this here because I will be back to read it and be accountable. Tiny rituals will add up. Start somewhere. Start today. Keep it going tomorrow.