Skip the Intro…

Yep, just like on Netflix, click that button and skip the intro. My last post was pathetic. I needed to get it out though. You absolutely cannot hold your feelings in ever but be constructive in how you let them exit you! So, in skipping the intro…I am feeling a bit better but the doctor put me on prednisone again. I hate that drug and understand its necessary but it causes havoc. Like yesterday I ran out of my hot tea I usually have so I reached for one with caffeine, what a mistake. Down the predi with the tea with caffeine and bounce off the walls for hours. ZERO concentration but could play tennis and beat Serena Williams. I thought I might explode. Pile on some peri-menopause pms with all this and I am just a big fluffy ball of sunshine. Deep breath, let the lady type not the meds…So I am (hesitant not to jynx it) feeling a bit better. My body aches are less, my level of tiredness is less but I do feel it when I do too much. My gut is being kind to me. My feet still are not right but they don’t HURT like they did. They still look odd and the range of motion is not right but the pain I was having was everyday all day and night. I am waiting for some rechecks on blood work and then trying to decide which direction to take this in. Should I see a rheumatologist? I am not sure. All my autoimmune tests keep coming back negative. I shrug my shoulders a lot. I shake my head a lot. I take a lot of deep breaths. We are winding down the summer here and that means one thing…

Back to work. I have some tools and some ideas in how to handle things in hope to keep the stress level down. I got a new chair finally after two years…That will help. I will have a make believe hatch/portal thing under my desk I can open and slide down to get out of the office and land right on my favorite beach on cape cod which a local web cam will be loaded on one page of my browser at all times to view the tide and “remove” myself. How’s that! I actually can’t wait to visualize it. I might even get an actual floor sticker too…lol. School work for myself is going well. I got an A in my latest class, which I feel like I could’ve gotten a bit more out of the class but it’s hard when it’s all online. I am pretty sure I have a week off in between classes next week so that is a sweet break. My job this summer was to refill my tank and take it easy. It’s been really hot and I dislike heat and humidity. But I did manage to do a bit of my school work out back on our patio. I hung out with the dogs and some old friends. Made it to the beach to recharge, went to some great concerts, and ate some great food. I need to clean the basement…it’s terrible to me down there. I am considering attacking it next week. I just need a game plan and when I look at it I can’t find a game plan…haha. So that is my job over the next few days, find a game plan…that and figure out which haircut I want. I always want a change and then I just get the same fucking thing every time. This is where I encourage you to all take a small risk, get a different haircut, it’s hair and it wil grow back. Let’s jump together. I bid you peace, love and light.