
Trying is such an odd word isn’t it? I mean there is trying, like you tried to learn to knit. Then there is trying like you tried to get a 100 on your midterm. Or there is trying like today has been trying. Actually today hasn’t been trying, it didn’t try hard at all, in fact it failed at trying. You know what I mean, trying as in taxing or annoying…I am always digressing…work was swamped. When I say swamped I went through an entire pad of passes sending people home sick. It settle down around 1230 but damn. I left early for a doctor appointment, it was supposed to be in person but got switched to a phone call. Kind of an important visit, my second rheumatologist visit with a possible diagnosis of Lupus. I can go with the flow though, so ok the phone it is. He called 20 minutes late, ok. He apologized for it not being in the office. The phone call went on and it was clear he was flustered and not connected and was short a few times with my questions. Not the same person I saw in the office. Granted when I saw him in the office it ended up being an around an hour after my appointment time. He mentioned having a family emergency so he couldn’t be in the office. I would have preferred to reschedule with how the call went. It was frustrating and completely draining. My point is, I am here writing because it drained me. I was sitting here trying to work on my papers for a class and kept shaking my head. This is the best time for me to get some writing done for school but I am a little fried. Sigh… deeep breaths. I think I am going to feed the dogs and go to Marshall’s s and look for a new notebook. I have senioritis with school…4.5 classes left and I want done. But I think I mentioned that in the last post. Don’t be surprised it it keeps popping up…Anyways. sometimes things are just trying and you need to regroup. How do you regroup? Walk away, take a walk, change the scenery. Take some deep breaths and move on by finding things that change your mindset and bring joy or a smile. Tomorrow is a new day folks…seize it.